Influencing Your Child's IQ

Newsletter Aug 16, 2022

About Your Child's IQThe first time you hear about your child’s IQ is probably when there is some question about their performance in school, sometimes above or below expectations. IQ or intelligence quotient is considered an indicator of a person’s reasoning ability.

A child with a relatively lower IQ will likely have a difficult time understanding and completing work in a traditional classroom. While a child with a higher IQ may be disinterested in the work in the classroom. Research studies suggest that genetic factors contribute to about 50 percent of the IQ levels in people. However, intelligence is also strongly influenced by the environment a child grows up in.

Related: Can you really increase your child’s IQ?

Our brain comprises of tiny cells called neurons. These neurons look like tiny trees. As babies take in new information about the world, their neurons branch out and create connections with each other called neural pathways. The neural pathways are like an electrical wiring system. The more often this pathway is used, the stronger it gets. Circuits that aren’t used often become weaker and disappear over time. The interactions of genes and experiences shape a child’s developing brain. Although genes provide the foundation for the formation of brain circuits, these circuits are strengthened by repeated use.

From 7 years old to about middle school, kids start to think more logically. It is during this stage, that kids can make connections between things. They tend to recognize patterns and put them together to understand events. We also start to get early indicators of IQ and an opportunity to strengthen it!

Some factors that influence IQ include a child’s home environment & parenting, education, availability of learning resources, and even nutrition.

Parents can use simple and daily inputs to actually improve their child’s IQ levels. Here’s how:


Encourage your child to read. Reading is more challenging compared to processing images or speech as parts of our brain make connections. Like the old adage goes, books are the windows to the world; reading keeps the mind sharp.
Use advanced language

Do not avoid the use of new words with children thinking they will not understand you. So next time instead of asking ‘are you tired?’, you can try asking, ‘are you exhausted?’ Use of new words improves their vocabulary and ability to process information.


Studies show that certain hormones were released during physical activity, and these hormones are beneficial to the hippocampus, a region of the brain linked to learning and memory. So let your child run around and play regularly.

Engage with numbers

Mathematical calculations improve the brain functioning drastically and in turn impact the child’s aptitude and ability to comprehend the environment. You can engage children by asking them daily kitchen measurements, calculating the grocery bill, price of petrol multiplied by how much the car consumes and so on!

Solve Puzzles For Child’s IQ level

Cognitive learning is characterized by comprehension, organizing ideas, and applying knowledge through choice and evaluation. When children play with puzzles, they learn to choose and strategize as they begin to recognize how pieces fit together to complete a larger picture.

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Expect your child to be SMART

The most important of these is to raise the bar continuously and constantly. This has to be done without comparison, judgement or ridicule. You need to encourage children to try, participate, solve and win. Whether in interpersonal interaction, usage of words, learning a skill or solving puzzles and games. Expect more and facilitate more!

A strong IQ is linked to future success. However, real learning is an active and on-going process. There is no age limit to strengthen IQ and we can also work to improve our own IQ as adults. However, cognitive development years are the best to recognize patterns and build strong logical reasoning, paving a robust path for future success!

Intelligence is quickness in seeing things as they are
– George Santayana



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