BrainGymJr – Teaching Children ‘How’ to Think!

Founder’s View Aug 17, 2022

Did you know that children as young as 6 years old say that they feel anxious about Mathematics?

This often leads to conscious and sub-conscious choices to avoid numbers, often leading to sub-optimal choices in terms of vocation.

Have you noticed that proficiency in language of education & trade (English) directly impacts confidence & self-esteem?

Learning English & using English daily are not the same thing. Often, one has a sharp mind but the ability to communicate and transact is hampered by low control over vocabulary and grammar, leading to many opportunities that are lost.

Would you agree that a well-informed world-view enables strong decision-making skills & future success?

The world is increasingly becoming a smaller place and grasping knowledge about countries, time-differences, currencies, metric systems etc enable us to connect the dots in real life for easy navigation in education, trade and future success.


BrainGymJr is a first-of-its kind child development initiative that enables application and problem solving for children. It helps children sharpen their logic, reasoning, language and math skills with simple real-life examples from our own environment.

How does BrainGymJr help Children?

Education Beyond Academics!

BrainGymJr reinforces the concepts of Mathematics, English and Real-World knowledge learned in school through application and problem-solving. With BrainGymJr, just 15 minutes of daily brain games help open a child’s mind with new methods of application.

Practice Makes Perfect!

Children receive a fresh set of brain games based on Mathematics, English & Real-world skills every single day. These exercises come in fun and engaging formats, encouraging a problem-solving approach. Unlike worksheets, there are instant answers and explanations on attempting the question. Additionally, 20,000+ puzzles are available for practice over and above the daily questions that children can do at their time and pace.

Customized For Every Single Child In Each Subject!

Every child is unique and has a different level of understanding of a given subject. The difficulty level is set between 1 and 15 for each subject so that the program is tailored for each child’s ability. A given child may also have a different level each for Math, English and Real-world skill. Instead of standard Mathematics worksheets or English worksheets , the brain puzzles are based on each child and his / her unique abilities in a given subject.

Learning Is Fun!

All brain games come in 16 different engaging formats such as crosswords, digit cards, multiple choice etc. Children can solve on the App /Website itself when online and get instant solutions. In case of an incorrect answer, children can check the solution and receive an explanation. This makes the learning complete.

Solve Daily And Win!

Children are encouraged to solve every single day. Children solve online and every correct answer is attributed points. Fresh puzzles are shared daily, and daily questions are attributed higher points if solved within 24 hours. This motivates children to solve every single day!
Children can also practice and get points. Moreover, they are recognized for good performance through unlocking badges and appearing on leader-boards. They can also collect points and redeem them to take jump tests and race to the next level.

Learn & Earn!

The points earned by solving the brain games for children correctly can further be exchanged for a whole host of fun digital toys, pets, avatars & more! There is notional ‘value’ attached to these toys. Children can also trade toys and learn the concept of ‘value’ !


How Does BrainGymJr Benefit The Child?


Makes Thinking A Daily Habit

Every educational game leads to children connecting the dots in their brain (create neural pathways), thereby enhancing memory recollection and motivation to try new things. BrainGymJr ensures neural pathways are created, used & strengthened.

Discipline And Impact Of Daily Outcomes

Brains are like muscles and can be strengthened through practice & perseverance. BrainGymJr offers positive reinforcement to regularly practice by rewarding daily attempts with extra points, badges etc.

Makes Challenges Fun

For every new experience, children go through a journey from ‘I will not do it’ to ‘I have done it!’. For this, the challenges must be in incremental & achievable steps. Customized difficulty levels at BrainGymJr helps to grow from there creating an empowering environment & leading to Brain Development

A strong foundation of Math, Language and Real-world skills helps build confidence to interact externally and sets ground for strong logic, reasoning & critical thinking.


Vidur Garg

Vidur Garg, Founder - BrainGymJr, is a management professional with over 18 years of experience across areas of Business, Human Resources and Technology.