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          Brain Exercises for Children
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BrainGymJr - Daily Brain Exercises for Children

Importance of Practicing Math Worksheets and Solving Math Puzzles

Mathematics is the the abstract science of number, quantity, and space. Mathematics is derived from the Greek world mathema which essentially means ‘knowledge, study, learning’. Math as it is popularly referred to, is a powerful tool that enables us to bring necessary order and structure in our daily interactions as well as our professional pursuits.

Math encourages logical reasoning, critical thinking, creative thinking, abstract or spatial thinking, problem-solving ability, and even effective communication skills.

Learning, Understanding and Applying Math concepts through Math worksheets and puzzles.

Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or about algorithms. It's about understanding.

- William Paul Thurston

Learning Math

A child’s math skills at an early age are a good predictor of future academic success based on academic research. The good news is, we are surrounded by math and come across many situations where we consciously of subconsciously use and apply math.

Math is measuring, sorting, building, noticing patterns, making comparisons, counting and knowing the names of shapes amongst other things. We can give our kids a head-start by helping them get comfortable with math concepts like measuring and counting at home at an early age.

Mathematical knowledge also plays a crucial role in understanding the contents of other school subjects such as science, social studies, and even music and art.

If you do not use a muscle or any part of the body, it tends to become atrophic. So is the case with the brain. The more you use it, the better it becomes.

- Shakuntala Devi

Application of Math

Children learn and understand best when they focus on problem solving rather than on getting the right answer. It is important to promote creative and critical thinking in mathematics and numeracy. One of the most basic reasons for learning mathematics is to be able to apply mathematical skills and knowledge to solve both simple and complex problems that allow us to navigate our lives through a mathematical lens. By doing so, we transform learning from disjointed, memorisation of facts, to sense-making mathematics.

We need to encourage mathematics through problem-solving rather than for problem-solving.

Find ways to incorporate enjoyable math activities and math talk into regular activities like cooking, setting the table or playing games. Most kids love stopwatches and watching the seconds tick by gives them opportunities to practice counting. Measure distances and heights. Count jumping jacks, push-ups, or consecutive kicks of a ball.

As children grow older, introduce fun puzzles with reference to daily context. For example, sharing a chocolate of a certain size three ways amongst friends. Calculating the time it takes to reach a birthday party or the distance between two favourite restaurants.

BrainGymJr works hard to introduce age appropriate math puzzles that encourage problem solving and provides instant solutions to aide learning

Why do children dread mathematics? Because of the wrong approach. Because it is looked at as a subject.

- Shakuntala Devi

Enjoying Math

It’s important to believe your child can get better at math and develop mathematical skills. Growth mindset, the belief that we can keep learning and getting better at math, is very important in enabling children. Parents’ attitude about math influence children. Children notice when adults feel anxious about math. Instead of saying “I’m not good at math,” try saying, “Let me try to figure that out.” Focus on problem solving. Your words and attitude matter.

At an early age, noticing when your child brings mathematical words and ideas into conversation or play can be a jumping-off point for helping him or her get a head start on understanding math. Teaching through representation or pictures will allow children to make connections between the real world and the math skills that are vital for academic success. Without making a connection between life and math, children can become confused about the information provided in a classroom.

As children grow older, we can introduce math concepts such as division, fractions, decimals, lowest common multiple, highest common factors through fun puzzles, digit cards, grids etc.

BrainGymJr supplements core concepts learned in school by incorporating it into live math worksheets i.e. game and puzzles based on math that allows children to solve, time themselves, get points, unlock levels and overall enjoy math as a way of life!

Go down deep enough into anything and you will find mathematics.

- Dean Schlicter

Math is for everyone

We must not forget every child is different and while age appropriate math skills can be roughly taught; it is important to reflect along an individual child’s timeline of building on a concept in a way that shows progress developmentally.

We all solve problems differently and have preferred learning styles. A multi-modality approach will offer many opportunities for children to explore and express math ideas in a wide variety of ways, by describing their reasoning, by representing ideas and solutions through drawing, or by using manipulatives and three-dimensional construction, just to name a few. We have to ensure a non-threatening atmosphere that allows children to take chances.

At, we have a total of 15 levels of math-based puzzles and questions in 16 fun formats for children from age 5 upwards. A thumb-rule, age-appropriate difficulty level is auto applied to children. However, we do have a fun puzzle-based game that serves as an intelligent difficulty level assessment. Based on the performance on the game, we assign a revised difficulty level for the child. We accordingly share daily questions to positively nudge problem solving, thinking and application.

Instant solutions and explanations make the learning complete. Moreover, every correct answer gets points and a set of successful solutions allow unlocking of badges. Adequate points collected through problem solving allow the children to take a jump test to move up a level. Overall, children are positively reinforced to solve through earning points, unlocking badges, appearing on leaderboards and more.

In summary:
  • Math is a part of our everyday life
  • Research shows that math understanding from an early age reflects in better academic and professional achievement
  • We should focus of application of math in daily life through problem solving
  • Math concepts are best absorbed when incorporated into daily application and real-life situations
  • Math can be learned, and one can get sharper and better at math
  • Positive attitude, an open mind and practice can hone thinking skills that enable math solving and
  • application
  • Children should be encouraged to solve math worksheets and puzzles such as on BrainGymJr
  • Understanding math and learning application can make math enjoyable and extremely useful
  • One size does not fit all, and we need to allow for individual proficiency and exposure in math
  • application
  • Customized levels of difficulty help children feel more in control and encourage them to continue solving for better positive results
  • Simple rewards and recognition such as points, badges and leaderboards serve as positive reinforcement for children to participate

BrainGymJr - Level of Difficulty and Age:

1. Difficult levels 1,2,3 are best suited for age 5-6 years.

Example of Math worksheet for Upper KG and Class 1

Level 1 – 3

2. Difficult levels 4,5,6 are best suited for age 6-7 years :

Example of Math worksheet for Class 1 and Class 2

Level 4 - 6

3. Difficult levels 7,8,9 are best suited for age 7-8 years :

Example of Math worksheet for Class 2 and Class 3

Level 7-9

4. Difficult levels 10,11,12 are best suited for age 8-9 years :

Example of Math worksheet for Class 3 and Class 4

Level 10-12

5. Difficult levels 13,14,15 are best suited for age 10 and beyond :

Example of Math worksheet for Class 4 and Class 5

Level 13 – 15